Creative content marketing resume
A narrative that extends beyond multiple media forms that also plays to the strengths those forms.
The technique of telling a single story or story experience across multiple platforms and formats using current digital technologies.
The above are two definitions of transmedia that pretty well describe my approach to content marketing. Below, you can find content marketing resume. Each position includes my favorite writing samples followed by a long list of other great content I've produced over the years.
If you'd like to find my creative work, you can click through to one of the following pages, though much of it is still under construction. Thank you for visiting.
B.A., English, 2007, University of New Orleans
Attended Humboldt State University 2005–2006 during Hurricane Katrina aftermath.
Professional Development
Google Analytics Individual Certification
HubSpot Content Marketing Certificate
HubSpot Software Certificate
HubSpot Inbound Marketing Certificate
Personal Development
Building a Second Brain with Tiago Forte
OmniFocus for Mac, Essential Training
OmniFocus for iOS, Essential Training
Effortless Output Roam Research Training with Nat Elliason
UCB Sketch Writing 101 & 201
Corey Mandell Professional Screenwriting Workshops, Los Angeles
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